Friday, 21 January 2011

Revising Shots and Inputting Sound

I spoke to Melissa briefly as she is in charge of editing and also Ellen as she is camera operator and have expressed my ideas concerning the introduction of our OTS.

We initially decided to make our OTS modern through the editing and shooting but I felt like we weren't achieving this to its full potential. At the beginning of our OTS our femme fatal is shown distressed and upset, our aim for it to act as a hook begging a lot of questions in the viewers minds as to why she is in such a state. Because this won't last for very long and probably only last up to 15 seconds as a whole I have discussed an idea that would excel our aims..

Instead of the close up of just our femme fatales face following on from a high angle shot to show her low status at this point I believe that having something a bit more fast pace would draw the attention of the audience in more immediately. My idea was to have lots of choppy shots from different angles of our distressed female to establish her character as very unstable - shown through the different shots at different angles and different distances - this in turn would make the audience feel unstable and therefore becoming in touch with her feelings. This hooks the audience because it makes them have to concentrate to establish their view of each shot before it has quickly changed, it also acts as a preview into how the film will end so it sustains the storyline and doesn't completely spoil the ending.

From the comment below you can see that the issue has been raised that because our femme fatale is a protaginist within our film the audience should establish a relationship with her and therefore would conventionally spend a long time looking at our distressed character however, because our storyline progresses to the point where the audience fully realise how our femme fatale feels about being trapped these choppy shots allow this preview without them feeling too sad and slow paced. The fast paced shots also foreshadow the action that will come within the film.
I then thought of how we could contrast this against the very beginning of our OTS and at the same time set the scene in a very mysterious manner (something that would stay true to our crime, romance drama) - the idea I had was to use the back of Jessies house as the aesthetics aren't too modern and zoom slowly forwards closer to the door of the house. Following on from that I thought it would be a good idea to then zoom up the steps and then towards the door of the room that she was in, this would act as an initial hook that sets the location and the scene, giving the audience a chance to be as though the camera is their point of view, walking to our femme fatale and becoming part of the movie as quite a personal experience. The slowness acts as a false sense of security when it is then contrasted against the fast and choppy shots.

As my role of being in charge of sound I also thought of something we could add in the beginning to make our OTS more dramatic and give the audience a taste of what would happen if they were watching a full length film. As we have thought of our whole story line and our basic storyline is our femme fatale driving our Anti Hero to death after a period of crime and lust gone wrong I thought a way of foreshadowing this would be to have echoes gun shots repeating during the shots of our distressed femme fatale. This will mean that I will have to take up the role as a Foley Artist and reproduce the sound of gun shots using props, record them and add them on during editing.

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