I took my first step as being a director today. Previously I had looked over our storyline and our animatic and had come to the conclusion that we weren't fulfilling the brief we had set ourselves at the beginning of this task.

Whilst we are capturing the conventions of film noir through setting costume, title and the order of events within the film we said we would break the conventions and make it more neo-noir through editing and sound. I believe that we could tweak some things to achieve this brief fully so I spoke to Melissa today, chief of editing and discussed a few ideas I had about the beginning of our OTS when we see our Femme Fatale who is trapped in her stereotype looking extremely distraught and upset [a finishing outcome of our storyline and entire film shown at the beginning]. We only wanted one high angle to show how powerless she is and one close up of the face to show how upset she was I think it would be much more effective for the beginning to be much more choppy and fast paced to immediately hook the audience as well as commit ourselves fully to our brief. This would also allow the audience to immediately relate to the female as the fast paced different angles give a sense of uneasiness and inability to focus which is exactly what she is going through. I will also have to discuss this with Ellen as she is in charge of the camera during the filming process as well as Jessie who is specifically researching into cinematography at the moment.
Another idea I had which is within my specific role is adding a gun shot during the shots of our distressed femme fatale as it would bring the audience even closer to her character and really strengthen the fact she is leading the narrative at this current moment - they get into her mind as she is hearing the gun shot too. It would act as a definite hook creating many questions in the audiences mind foreshadowing events that they will later see but cannot be entirely specific.
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