Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Comparing Blogs (Evaluating Both)

I have planned to look at and evaluate blogs of A2 students whilst comparing them to mine.. this will help me in improving how I work with my blog as I will know what stimulates me or bores me from someone else's features.

1st Blog; - Luke Bamber's

   The first thing I noticed about this blog was the simplicity - I could extremely relate to this for the reason that when I first started blogging I felt it was just necessary to write what was needed without any further development of the post. Whilst I think that Luke has managed to put all the information required in his blog, there are no stimulus' that is something I immediate realise must be improved within mine. A post is much more interesting if it is not just your 'obvious, bold title, black text and justified columns'. A picture, video, presentation or even just a splash of colour can make the tracking of my progress much more attainable by a wide range of viewers. I have contrasted that in the recent week I have managed to make my posts a bit more exciting.
   The regularity of his posts makes me feel a bit more at ease even though I am still not used to blogging as much as required. Analysing his posts has made me realise that there is a need to update even for the smallest of reasons. His small and simple posts are ones that are easy to read, easy to understand but are just as easy to track his progress.

2nd Blog; - Daisy Conway's

   This blog is very different from Luke's, it has much more personality, ''so I will need a camera and Firewire, please''. This sort of familiar language creates a strong relationship with the viewer, as if it is being spoken to them and therefore making it a much more interesting and easy read. Another thing I like and that is very different is the amount of pictures she has in each blog.. this adds a stimulus so that reading becomes less of a chore and much more interesting having something visual to observe.
   One thing I have definitely contrasted between this blog and mine is the lack of personality within mine, although this has no effect on the content of my work, it would be more hooking to read and probably much more enjoyable for me to post if I added my own personality to my writing - after all that is a key thing for bloggers to do in trying to hook their readers.. see what I mean..? tooo formal.

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