Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Our Gut Instict Audience

Based on our plot and the visuals we have produced we have also discussed that our gut instinct for an audience is 18-25 due to the age of our actors and actresses, the ideas that crime will be featured during the full length of our film (we feel that this is an age group who would cope with this better) and also the stylistic conventions of our film being film noir even though we are breaking some conventions (we need an audience that is open to idea of Film Noir even though we are going towards a Neo-Noir direction). Based on the characters we have chosen, a vulnerable female who is trapped in a stereotype (someone a woman can relate with instead of growing hatred for) and a lower class man who wont threaten the male audience - our initial aim is to traget males as well as females. Of course we want to understand what this age groups want so that we know that what we are doing is right. As a group we decided that further research was definitely needed.

You can see on Ellen's blog that there is detailed research into the classifications of films using one of the 'Important Links' features on my blog - http://www.bbfc.co.uk/ which goes into detail the features of each certificate so that we know what should and what should not be in our film/OTS.


You can see on Melissas blog (link posted above) that we have also produced a basic questionnaire to see what format is better suited for this age group so that we can ask them what they want from a film and if our ideas are suited to their wants an interests. We will hand this questionnaire out to about 100 people in the city centre but we have made sure that we ask their age group so we get the answers specificially from 18-25 year olds.

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